Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ezekiel Stone Harding

Praise God! Ezekiel Stone Harding is here.
Angi and I walked up for our usual Wednesday Dr. appt. The appt. went well. No change. 3-4cm. The Dr. offered to loan us a book on a birthing method. She would get it on her Lunch break. So after lunch we were returning to the hospital. When we were almost there Angi mentioned that she had to use the Choo(toliet). She said I might have just wet myself. She thought the pregnancy had finally caused all bladder control to fly out the window. The next couple of steps she said no, my water just broke. We went in and saw the Dr. but because we weren't having any contraction she sent us to the home we are staying in.

We had been there about 2 hours when Angi had some very small contractions. I didn't think much of it. Then a very strong one. Seven minutes later a stronger one. 2 mins later a strong one. Then one every two mins. We called a wonderful nurse (Jacqui Besley) who very kindly offered to help us during the birth. She came and decided Angi needed to go right to the Hospital.

At the Hospital they checked Angi; after about a half hr of 1min long contractions that were 1 1/2 min apart, she was at 8cm. Next check half and hr later, she was fully dilated. Off to the delivery room.

In the delivery room Jacqui checked on Angi, Dr Kim Smith directed Angi, I counted for Angi (the hard work) and Angi pushed. 45 mins later 8:02 on the 24th Ezekiel Stone Harding was born. The whole thing was less than 4 hrs!

Ezekiel means "God Strengthens"- Which is our prayer for Him and for us raising him
Stone -comes from my Grandfather Henry Stone Harding (We pray that Ezekiel will follow Gramp's dedication to the Lord
Harding- means "of Hardy Stock" and the reason for that one is...uh

Thank you to all who prayed for us!! And Jacqui, Dr. Smith, Dr. Hedges, and the Nursing staff.

Angie and Zed, Z, Zek, (don't know yet)

Ezekiel after birth

7lbs and sleeping

Angie and Ezekiel both sleeping better knowing the other is there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Random Animals that we have seen

Since being here in Kenya we have seen a lot of some animals ( goats, chickens, crows, baboons) and less of others. We have found that getting to see animals is a stress release and we praise God for when he brings them across our paths. (well Steve is still having difficulty with the Roosters calling at 4:00am)

One of the bats that lives in the prayer chapel

Two long-necked Gerinuk, on a trip to ABO.

A Cameleon I found at ABO.

A lizard trying to hide in Angi's trouser pocket

A goat giving a lift to a
crow in Marsabit

A spiky lizard in of Kitchen cabinet

The sheep must have image problems

Giraffe on the way to ABO

Small antelope called dik-dik on the road

Chickens in our Kitchen

Sykes Monkey in the front yard tree at Kijabe
Baboon outside the house at Kijabe

Monday, September 8, 2008

In Kijabe waiting for the Baby

We are now in Kijabe(a town far South of Kalacha in which Steve was born and raised). Angi is doing well. We came out two weeks earlier than planned via plane, because Angi had a night of strong pains which gave us a lot of concern. I(Steve) am quickly realizing how little I know about childbirth or the raising of a child. The Doctor says Angi is doing well and has progressed far. Please pray for a safe delivery with minimal pain. thanks