Monday, February 4, 2019

First trip to D_town

We were able to make the first trip (for Angie and the boys) to see D-town.
We broke it up into 3 days travel up north and 3 days return.  I thought I would must post some pics.
Finally leaving after replacing the front driveshaft U-joints

the First day passing Mt. Kenya to Nanyuki on the equator

the Second day up to Marsabit.  the New road is amazing.

Day 3 leaving the pavement to cross the Chalbi desert

the Chalbi seems to have no end

Brother Boya and Ezekiel (Umuro) in 2008
Brother Boya and Ezekiel (Umuro) in 2019
Got to visit our Gabra family in KaIacha

Arrival in D-Town after hours in the desert and hours on the rocky road.  the Church is pictured
The foundation for our house

On the way back down we got to see our family in KaIach again

After spending the night in Marsabit we took a "short cut" through the game park

We had a late dinner in the foot hills of Mt Kenya in the cold

One more day of driving and we made it back to Nairobi. Thanks for praying