Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Trip to Kenya and up to D town

The Last 2 months have been a wild ride. When we hit 90% monthly funding and the mission wanted us to come out and see a different assignment. It is in the far far north of Kenya just a few kilometers from the Ethiopian border. It was a challenging trip because of the rainy season. I was able to get to see the mission work that was started completely from scratch 3 years ago by a mission family in the town of “Dukana”. The trip was informative. We were left with the question: would God like us to join the work the family has started in Dukana?  There are many ministries going on there: a garage to fix importers' vehicles, a new church of about 50, and radio station, work with the surrounding villages, and water projects. The challenging parts we have had to pray through: that it is considered really remote even amongst the more remote missionaries, 3 days from Nairobi, and our kids won’t have any English speaking friends there next year possibly (the two missionary kid boys there may go to boarding school in a year or so)   and it is expensive to set up a house in the bush. We believe that God is leading us to purse this assignment.  So we are trying to be brave and step out in faith. Pray for us.  This place changes our idea of remoteness in Kenya.  It is 3 1/3 hrs further of the track than our former remote assignment. The church there seems to be hungry for learning the word of God.

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